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energyXT2 – Music Production Software
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With features such as no loading-time, all-in-one synth, fx and sequencer, drum machine track, high quality
time-stretching/pitch-shifting, REX2 and VST plugin support…you just can’t go wrong with energyXT2.

Whats new in version 2.0

100% re-worked workflow
elastique time-stretching and pitch-shifting
drag & drop REX2 groove support, with slice editing
non-destructive audio reverse
shuffle/swing on midi, audio and drum tracks
clip based automation embedded into midi, audio and drum clips
warm and clean sounding phase modulation synthesizer with sample support
multi-fx processor
drum track with sample support
main mixer with unlimited sends, inserts and group channels
searchable browser with sample preview
midi, audio and drum clips can be saved as self-containing library clips
enhanced controller maps
Works out-of-the box on Linux


The sequencer in energyXT2 works the same way as in Cubase and Logic and offers
audio recording, different track types, clip based automation of mixer/EQ and VST plugins. It also has some
unique features like drum-machine track, per audio clip resample & elastique time-stretching and
modeless editing. Tracks can be arranged into folders to save screen space and VST plugin editors can be
docked into separate tabs.


The built-in synth/sampler is a phase modulation synthesizer and sample player in
one. You can layer and split synthesized and sampled sounds anyway you want. There are all
the standard features like multi-mode filter, LFO’s, vibrato and glide. Add per sound
phaser/chorus/flanger and per program reverb and delay send effects and you have yourself a
workstation. The sound is very “Warm and clean” :
bass/pads |
bass/lead |
synth pad |
filter |
bass sweep |
fm synth |
detuned bass |
feedback synth

See also  energyXT - Public Beta & Coming next section

Drum track

The new drum track in energyXT2 works like an audio track with a built in drum sampler. The drum editor
looks like a real drum machine and samples can be dropped right into it for quick drum set construction. Drumsets
can be saved as presets. To create a new drum track, simply drag a drumset preset or just a wav file
into the sequencer, and the drum track will be created for you automatically.


All settings in the main mixer cam be automated from the sequencer, including volume, pan, mute, EQ
and effect parameters. There are no limit to how many insert and send effects you can use in a project, well
except for your CPU that is. Group channels are available for sub mixing, and can be automated just like normal
mixer channels and supports insert and send effects as well. The mixer is dockable, and
presets for different mixer views can be customized.


VST plugins, samples and presets can be dragged into the sequencer tracks and mixer effect
slots. energyXT2 will autodetect if you drop a VST instrument into the sequencer,
create a new MIDI track and connect it to the instruments automatically. Same if you drop a
drum sample, a drum track will be created for you, ready to play!

Modular environmnet

energyXT2 offers a modular design, but its up to you if you want to use its features or not. The “Comps”
view visualizes all the VST plugins, sequencers and audio inputs/outputs used in your project. In the comps view, you
can easely set up energyXT2 as a standalone effect processor. Drop a few effetcs into the comps view, route audio input
thru the effect plugins and then to the master out.

See also  energyXT:

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energyXT users on the internet.

XT Software, Gaustadalleen 21,
0349 Oslo, NORWAY
(+47) 92095991

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